Monday, 9 February 2015

ELZABURU: 150 Years in 150 Words

At ELZABURU we do not look back, we forge ahead. We know that the blaze of the past lights up the future, and we believe that a Firm's professional identity is neither a blank page nor a page set in stone, but rather a page written day by day by the zeal and enthusiasm of its entire staff.

Here is our secret: cheer in our work, mutual regard, commitment to a common cause. In seeking the best solutions for our clients, we like to think that we see things no-one else has seen in the things everyone sees. Still, we know that it is a very fine line dividing self-confidence from arrogance. Humility is the better part of greatness!

I won't be here to say it in 150 years. So I'll say it now: it is an honour to head this Firm, it is an honour to strive for our clients.

*With quotes from José Manuel Caballero Bonald and Paul Valéry

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